There is no doubt that the former mayor of Lushnja, now officially dismissed without the court ruling on his guilt or innocence, is serving as a laboratory guinea pig for punishing public officials who abuse their state duties. Well, in this whole macro-scheme, something seems to be wrong. First, the violation of equality in tenders is a widespread, well-known phenomenon and an uncured disease in the field of procurement in our country. There are many forms of manifestation, but it is widely accepted that the business community "does not make noise", but is forced to accept the conditions of the institutions that procure public funds, that is, to pay in hand, even with a percentage that in the last five years is estimated that they have grown significantly.
Among the most obvious ways Cambodia WhatsApp Number Data in which procurement rules are broken, it is noted that the procurement units that deal with the drafting of technical specifications cooperate with potential winning firms or that enjoy the political support of the holders of the procurement entity. The sharing of information automatically puts them in a winning position, not to mention that in many cases the specifications are set such that only a few or a single bidder can fulfill them. There are also cases when firms agree among themselves to divide the market or to fix prices, these anti-competitive behaviors punishable by law. While at the local level, it is noticed that the municipalities spend considerable public funds on expenses that are completely immeasurable, for which there are no references in prices, etc.
Read also: "Trak comes out on the side, screams and runs away..."/ Conversation between Suchi and Kassander Noga: Byrazer... What happened? Fation Kuqari immediately leaves the house of "BBV" In this way, it is possible to withdraw funds from the institution's accounts and provide benefits for decision-makers. This is probably the reason that in many signs in Albanian cities they talk about rehabilitation works with the cost of building a new public infrastructure work, they even use designations that are difficult to translate into Albanian or that do not match the traditional manuals of construction prices. such as "retraining", "re-training", "retraining", etc.