Saying “our conversion rate is above our average conversion rate” has more power – and use – than saying “we convert 2% of our visitors”! (Even if the latter feels good) metrics Good indicators are those that can be linked to user behaviour or to the success of your business. For example, knowing the number of customer acquisition is only useful when it is linked to information on their user behaviour.
Such as where they are in the marketing funnel) ; information on their cost Phone Number Data and their potential purchasing power (like working out customer acquisition cost) If you can find out the figures on this, you have something like a real metric. You can probably take some of your current indicators to make them more useful. Such as, Number of page views can become conversion rate of your website.
Likes on social media can become mentions or engagements on social media Number of newsletter subscriptions can become newsletter conversion rate Number of customers acquired can become the cost of customer acquisition Certainly, vanity metrics can be helpful for convincing management or reassuring a customer, but as a marketer, statistics need to help you ask the right questions.