That many users search for. Not Mobile Display Friendly If your website does not support viewing on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets, your search rankings may decrease. One of the criteria Google uses when displaying search results is "mobile friendly." This is a standard for evaluating whether a website is easy to view and use on mobile devices. Home pages that are not mobile friendly are not compatible with dismobile devices and will be classified below. Few Characters Google searches for websites that provide useful information to users. If the number of characters on your home page is too small, the content will be considered insubstantial and it will be difficult to get reviews. The amount of text on a home page is important because Google uses text to determine the content of a site. many images The sImages with lots of images, such as photographs, illustrations, and diagrams.
Have the advantage of being easier for users to see and understand. However, Google does not read images, so if there are too many images, it may conclude that your website does not have much information. If your website is perceived to be unhelpful to users, your search Brazil Phone Number Data rankings will drop. Google crawling starts from the top. When there are many layers, it is difficult to perform inspection and evaluation takes time. In this case, Google will not be able to correctly understand the content of your home page and, as a result, it will not appear at the top of search results. Few cyclical links Both internal and external links are necessary for Google to navigate smoothly.
External links that take you to your company's home page and internal links that allow you to navigate within your home page. A state where these are not working properly is called "low crawlability" and is one of the reasons why Google finds it difficult to evaluate your website. What to do when your business name doesn't appear in search results Below are some steps you need to take to appear in Google search results. Try to incorporate as many elements as possible. Register for the index To appear in search results, you must be.