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The volume of video content today is greater









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Maybe this article is also interesting for you: Intrinsic technique in website design Intrinsic technique in website design 24 Mehr 1397 Part 6: Use video content to improve SEO. One of the most powerful and popular content these days is video content. Cisco's website predicts that by 2021, video content will account for 80% of all content consumed. Of course, it may not be clear to you yet that one day video content will be king, but don't worry; The reign of video content is just around the corner.  than ever, and this amount is constantly increasing, but on the other hand, HubSpot published a statistic that shows that 43% of users would like to see more video content. Video content marketing Let me sum it up for you: "If you're the type of person who doesn't produce video content, then you're going to get hit!" Next, we examine the benefits of video content for SEO together: You get a chance to get clicks through YouTube.

YouTube is currently the second most used search engine in the world. On the other Aruba Email List hand, according to the research conducted by MOZ experts , YouTube is twice as popular as the Bing search engine among users, and it is also developing rapidly like other platforms that are used for video, the statistics presented in this regard show us It shows that YouTube has grown 60 users compared to last year. Searching these days is done in such a way that you first search for your desired term in Google and if you find a suitable video related to your needs, you use it immediately. You may say that YouTube is a video sharing platform and not a search engine in any way, but like it or not these days YouTube is a great search engine in addition to being a place for video sharing. It can be ignored.

Content marketing on YouTube Up to this point, we tried to check the power of YouTube together, but what are the benefits of using YouTube for us? In an era where video content can be so effective, most content creators are too lazy to produce video content, and this presents a perfect opportunity for you to use the power of video content. . When you produce professional video content with SEO in mind and publish it on websites such as Aparat or YouTube, you get a suitable external link and in this way you can create another way for the audience to reach your page. do. Of course, don't forget this very important thing that the first step to doing this is not to be lazy. On the other hand, YouTube is a subsidiary of Google, and this makes the videos on YouTube more important automatically, and in the same way, the videos on YouTube find many different ways to be found on the search results page.


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