The Treasury investigates and delays the return of personal income tax to ...
Tax Agency, and with very high returns to return Some Spaniards have already received the return of the Income Tax Return. But many others have not. There are, specifically, three groups on which the Treasury has set its sights and is investigating: people who have declared works on their home, have debts with the Tax Agency, and those who have very high declarations to return.As El Confidencial Digital has learned , from sources familiar with these processes, the Treasury is carryingMiddle East Mobile Number Listout exhaustive checks on taxpayers who are in any of these three cases. Home renovations Regarding the housing deduction, the Tax Agency is being especially rigorous in several aspects: -- The deduction for home acquisition for new buyers was not in force for the 2011 financial year. Only those who had very low incomes were entitled to this bonus. However, the situation changed after the reforms approved by the Government on December 30 of last year, retroactively. This means that those who bought an apartment last year will also be able to benefit from the deduction.
But the Treasury is requesting additional documentation to justify it, which, in turn, delays the return of personal income tax. -- The rehabilitation of the home : it is reviewing in detail all the invoices provided. Carry out a strict control to clarify whether the money invested in the property falls within the tax-deductible parameters, and thus verify that what is declared coincides with what is legal. Debts with the Tax Agency According to the experts consulted by ECD , another of the groups that the Treasury has in its sights is that of taxpayers who maintain debts with the State. It is especially attentive to this matter, both in the event that the citizen has received extra money - and that, therefore, does not correspond to him - or in the event that he has not made a payment.
The first national wheelchair soccer league starts today in Cantabria Refund of a high amount The Treasury is also looking closely at taxpayers who, once the income tax return has been submitted, have to return a large amount of money. In these cases, it is dedicated to checking that the personal income tax return does not contain any deductions that do not correspond, or if all invoices or income have been provided, which is why it is once again requesting documentation from these citizens to be able to compare it.Send a message to Brussels that the reforms undertaken by the Government are profound and serious. The best proof of this is, precisely, the strong social protest in the streets for applying the harsh recipes dictated by the European Commission. A very significant image that the Executive did not want Merkel to miss during her fleeting stay in Madrid.