The marketing industry is considered modern creative
The recent Coface report Payment Survey in Poland shows that out of of our entrepreneurs experience payment arrears Only percent companies have no problems receiving payments from contractors on time This is confirmed by data from the Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Technology which shows that as many as percent Polish companies encountered payment backlogs or very long payment terms The basis for this analysis is internal data from the Polish factoring fintech SMEO We checked which industries most often use factoring as a financial toolAmong the most popular two industries are undoubtedly associated with late payments on invoices construction and transport But the black three also included the broadly understood marketing industry Why is it so bad How to deal with the problem Where to look for support Cell Phone Number List MwP coach Barbara StawarzGarcia Justyna BakalarskaStankiewicz Training trainer Webwriting and content marketing strategy on the Internet Online training June No one pays us on time Literally no oneand rich
The value of the advertising market in Poland in amounted to PLN billion and advertising expenses increased by compared to the previous year In addition advertising services are not commonly associated with huge financial investments that must be made to complete an order for example in construction for materials and building permits and in transport eg for a fleet At SMEO we decided to verify internal data We have prepared a short survey for owners and managers of marketing agencies in Poland A total of responses were received.