Tage of total visits that did
Not result in any action. Channel : The channels through which you attract attention to gain traffic. Click-through rate : click-through rate. Conversion rate : Conversion rate, i.e. the ratio of visits to conversions. Qualified lead : A potential customer who is qualified to be a permanent customer who will make a decision about what you offer. Google Analytics goals : Actions you hope visitors will take on your site. Google Tag Manager : A center for managing website tracking codes. Googlebot/Bingbot : The way search engines crawl. Kanban : scheduling system. Pages per session : Pages per session, the average number of pages visitors view per session.Page speed. Pruning : Removing low-quality pages, called pruning. Scroll depth : A way to track how often visitors scroll your pages. Scrum board : A scrum board that keeps track of the tasks that need to be completed. Search traffic : Traffic sent by search Oman Phone Number Data engines to your website. Time on page : The amount of time a visitor spends on your page before clicking on the next page. UTM code : The urchin tracking unit, which is a code appended to the end of a URL. Read also about: Key Performance Indicators - KPI Now, after learning about the most important terms in the field of SEO and search engine optimization, you can contact.
G Dart Marketing Services Company to help you develop your business. Our office also provides technical and technical consultations and marketing solutions to increase your market share and outperform your competitors. Sources and references searchenginejournal – hubspot Browse articles → Previous article Next article ← Leave a comment your e-mail address will not be published. Required fields are marked * write here... write here... the name* the name* E-mail* E-mail* the site the site Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Contact us now the name* phone number* E-mailLeave a comment / Marketing The difference between blue marketing and red marketing.